The Lodge - New Builds


Ensemble are progressing a commission to create a masterplan on estate land surrounding The Lodge, Drayton on behalf of Hidden Talents Developments. We are currently revisiting the design proposals for approximately 30 new dwellings across the site.

Our scope involves evolving the design originally produced by Lucas+Western Architects, who worked to achieve planning consent for the masterplan in 2018. We are reviewing each phase of the development, providing concept design, producing technical information and making regular site visits. With a better understanding of client demand, every corner of the site is being interrogated in order to further deliver on the clients ambition for a variety of modern-living experiences within a sensitive heritage and woodland context.

The first phase of the new builds are complete, with the second phase currently under construction due for completion in late 2023. Details of homes for sale can be found here.

Budget: Approx £9m


New House Taverham


Emmanuel Church