The Ffolkes, Hillington

Commercial / Leisure / Retrofit

We worked closely with The Ffolkes to create a masterplan that reimagined the offering at The Ffolkes. This included: rebranding the image of the existing pub and hotel facilities and extending the rooms to enhance the customer experience; the addition of 6no. new hotel cabins that have the most amazing view over the countryside; extension of the facilities at The Stables wedding venue and function room; and providing a space for their very successful FEAST events. The ambition is to build upon a successful and vibrant business that has the variety to respond to the fluctuating social patterns of the current times. The improved facilities will enable the business to remain viable and also generate employment for the local community, provide a pitch for local independent food & drink traders and to support tourism in the local area.

Budget Approx £2.5m


Garden House