Condimentum Factory

Industry / Commercial

A new food manufacturing facility for the production of Coleman’s Mustard and Mint Sauce. 

Ensemble took a primary role in the concept and technical design of more than 500m2 of welfare facilities for production and management staff, including the review of third party information and the production of detailed technical information. Our approach to this project focussed on encouraging interaction between all staff members with varying management responsibilities and roles within the facility. Such a large building may typically only have 12-15 people in it at any one time, therefore, it was important to create opportunities for colleagues to cross paths cross paths, interact and socialise. The factory floor is a also a typically demanding environment, and we sought to offer respite from this within the offices, changing rooms and canteen through careful use of daylight, furniture, colour and privacy.

Overall Budget £6.2m

Illustration of the Condimentum Factory

8 Chapel Street


Hill House